The Journalist.
I began writing in 2005...
"Today I'm a published author!"

I have successfully returned to Buffalo, New York on October the 18th
of 2005 to find the condictions of my city critical with the drugs & violence.
There is a light of hope in the mist of it all because,
today on November the 9th, 2005 the city of Buffalo has elected a new Mayor...
Byron Brown is the first African-American to ever be elected as Mayor of Buffalo,
New York.
Nevertheless, I have fallen back into my old way of life which has left me homeless
again. I only have the clothes on my back, and my feet hurt beyond words.
I've been eating at soup kicthens, or sometimes if I get a few dollars for hooking bootleg
cable; I eat at The New Dragon Express a chinese buffet downtown on main street.
My children have grown so much, and I can't believe how distant we've become. My daughter
has matured too fast, she is only fourteen, but she's acting eighteen. My son's are working, and are both towering over
For the time being I am trapped in Buffalo, but I'm doing everything I can to get out of here.
I just don't belong here anymore, and the longer I remain the worst my condictions become.
I ask all my readers to pray for me, and continue to support me as I struggle to find a place
where I can call home...
Today is November 11th, 2005 and I am now in Dallas, Texas.
I was able to secure a one way ticket, but things don't look too good at the
moment. I don't have anywhere to live, I'm hungry, and still wearing the same clothing.
My next move is to find a homeless shelter, and then take everything one day
at a time.
I will keep everyone posted, so until next time please keep me in your prayers.
Day 2 in Texas...
Last night I had the oppurtunity to sleep a little, and I even
had a good breakfast. Yeah!, I had to sleep in a shetler, but the atmosphere was peaceful.
I want to thank my readers for keeping me in mind, and supporting
me by viewing my page on a regular.
Peace and blessing to all my readers, both god & earth and the
85% of the mother.
Texas, Yeah! I came back for a second trip...
To my hip-hop readers, check the flow!
Can you picture me in a benz /
or a drop top six /
with a red bone chick /
with a nice pair of /
Man I'm out to make a hit /
she got her hand on my stick /
try'in to switch lanes /
but she got a tight grip.
Yeah!, Texas got me feel'in like that, but until next time please
keep me in your prayers.
Day 4 in Texas...
Well I'd be fooling myself if I stated that everything was great today,
because I'm very depressed and don't want to be here in Texas.
Being homeless is mentally & physically tiring, and I don't
have a clue where else to go. I am truly lost out here, and just can't focus like I use to.
I feel like I've let down so many people, and now it's time that
I feel their pain. Until I can shake these negative feeling I guess that I'll be in a mental funk, but with faith there is
Dear readers don't give up on me, because under the confusion there
is a righteous man in captive.
One day I'll be free again, and then we'll be able to enjoy life
Thank you for your support, and may peace be upon all of you!
Day 5 in Texas...
Hello!, my beloved readers. I am so blessed to know that you are still out
there, and believe in me enough to continue reading.
Pappy returns will be written before the year is over, I promise you that much.
The only thing that I can't predict is that my condictions will improve anytime soon, but please keep praying for me.
Like I always say "tough times don't last, but tough people do." I consider
myself as one of the tough, so it's only a matter of time before I rise like the sun on a summer's morning.
I feel poetic today, so I will share a poem with you:
Talent is a gift that is either learned or we are born with,
but until we appreciate our gift the reward will never come.
No matter how long it takes, the gift remains within waiting to be freed.
Free to uplift, inspire, and motivate others as well as ourselves.
Don't be afraid to use your gift, because it is a gift from God that can't anyone
take from you.
Be bold, be strong, be creative, and be unique in all you do; but always remember
that only you can truly be true to you.
My dear readers I am your brother, and I love you all as human beings. Just remember
that I am only a man made in the image of god, and yes I do make mistakes.
Nevertheless, you can't deny actual facts so remember that what I write is true.
Day 7 in Texas...
I've left the city of Dallas, and have settled here in Austin which is much smaller.
I like the atmoshere here, because it seems to be more friendly.
I spent yesterday with a missionary group where I ate and slept practically all
day, but today I'm up and about being productive.
I have no money and only the clothes on my back, but I'm alive so I thank God for
that. I had a few unexplained dreams last night and they were mostly about women, but I don't actually understand
why. In my condiction I couldn't get a decent if I tried, so I don't even put towards the effort of wasting my breath.
God is good, it's friday and somewhere in the world there are positive things
going on. I pray that you are a part of that positivity today, and somehow you can make a lasting impact in someone's life.
We are living in the last days of time, so let your actions count each day because
we are not promised tomorrow.
Peace and blessings my dear readers, and please keep me in your prayers today.
November 28, 2005
As of November 22, 2005 I have been in
a rehab here in Texas, and my life is finally coming back into focus.
My spirituality has even returned, and I am thinking clearly now.
It really feels good to be clean and sober again, and I am grateful for God's mercy on me.
Thanksgiving was wonderful, I ate until my belly hurted. I'm bored
at times, but it's better than being homeless and on .
I will continue to inform you on my recovery, and I thank you my readers
for your support. May God bless you all, and please keep me in your prayers.
November 30, 2005
Things are starting to look real good in Texas, and I've even met
a few new friends.
With Christmas around the corner I'm starting to miss my children
even more, but I got to better me before I am any good to them.
I repented a few days ago for all of my sins, and I believe that God
has forgiven me. There comes a time in life when everyone changes either for the good or for the bad, so I've decided to change
for the good.
As long as I can remain clean and sober good things will continue
to happen to me, and my loved ones.
Well my dear readers thank you for your support, and have a blessed
December 2, 2005
Hello my beloved readers from the great state of Texas, how are you on this blessed
Well I'm doing very well, and appreciate you being out there following my progress.
I love you all from the bottom of my heart, and hope that this holiday season will bring you and your families plenty of joy
& happiness.
I consider you all as being my ciber family, and pray that everyone is safe on
this friday in America.
Let's say a special prayer today for those who are incercerated or hospitalized,
and if you can this holiday pay someone a special visit.
One day success will come knocking at my door, and I promise to share my blessings
with the world.
Until next time, stay positive and God bless you all.
Goodbye Texas...
Well my beloved readers, I am no longer
residing in the great state of Texas.
Actually I am residing on the east coast in a location I will refer
to as private, so that I may begin working devotedly on the second series titled
"Pappy returns."
I exited Texas on Friday December 8th,2005 ,and experienced one of
the most uncomfortable road trips I'd ever had. I even had the pleasure of meeting a few interesting travellers on the way
to the east coast, people who were alot like myself.
Through it all I remained sober, and true to myself with respect to
my celeberity lifestyle as well as my readers.
I've already begun chapter one of the second novel, and can't wait
to release my new work by the summer of 2006.
I'm even considering on adding onto this site a page
called "The writers block", where people can log on and leave information for
everyone to check out. So keep a look out for that, and please send in your poetry, short stories, news, thoughts, etc.
Well my beloved readers it's monday in America, so wherever you are
out there make sure that you start your week off on a positive note. Until my fingers touch these keys again, remember that
I love all mankind.
In the honorable memory of
Tookie Williams...
Greetings my beloved readers on
this day of mourning December 13, 2005 we are forced to say goodbye to one of our brothers, who truly deserved another
I personally believe that he was , but the media did
more harm than good.
I quote Jadakiss saying "why did
the Terminator have to win the election, peep it."
Well now we all know, but what we fail to believe is that
it was a systematic plan which was in the making years in advance. There is no luck in politics, everything is in
place for a reason. Like a chess game, all the peices are in place to be used at the right time.
By terminating Tookie the powers that be have sent us
a message saying "We see you as a threat, and we will kill you from the root on up."
I say it's time that we prove to the powers which be
that "we deserve equality, and we will not be labeled or judged by the colors we choose to wear."
We must show the rest of the world that we are decent human
beings, and we deserve to be treated as so regardless of what the politicans present to them through the media.
I fear not the 10%
who are the suckers of the poor, and the open decivers of mankind. Silence is our weakness, and as long as the majority
of us keep on selling or using them suckers will keep on building prisons, and our leaders.
Rise up! you lost tribes of Israel, and assemble our 144,000
troops for the day that we all will have to fight for our right to live. God is merciful to his children, and if you'd only
take a moment to analize the true reason why there are guns in our neighborhoods and communities we'd clearly
come to the understanding that they are not there for us to kill eachother, but to protect one another when and
if the time comes.
With that my beloved readers I will conclude this discussion
with hope that we have established wisdom instead of ignorance, so until next time may peace, and the power of God be with
us all.
December 15, 2005
Hello my beloved readers what's really
good in the hood? I pray that everyone is enjoying the holiday season this year, and as for myself I can honestly say that
I am blessed.
Nevertheless, negative people as well as negative enegry tend to test
me when it is assumed that I'm not aware of all the old deceptions lurking around every corner. Today I can say
that I'm much wiser, and more aware of who my enemies truly are.
I even attempted to get back with my second wife, but here response
was that "I was more of a risk to her new lifestyle than a supporting pillar." Hay I can only respect her wishes and like
Mariah once said "you got to shake it off", so that's what I'll do.
I still got mad love for her regardless of our differences, and
I honestly believe that one day she'll want me back except I may not want her at that time.
Well enough about me, and let me thank everyone for following me down
many unchartered roads; and being faithful witnesses that mericles really do happen in these days and time. May you all have
a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year, and until next time remember that you have a friend in me.
December 23, 2005
Peace my beloved readers, what's
really good in the hood?
I want to start off by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year in 2006, because I'll be off line until after the 4th of Janurary. I'm chill'in out here on the east coast, and things
are really starting to look good for me. I am truly grateful that I finally got my life back in order, but at first
things weren't looking too good.
By the grace of Almighty God, I have a few new developments happening
in my life that I am extremely proud of these days.
With Christmas a couple of days away I'm blessed to be with caring
people, and sharing the holiday spirit.
I've made the decision to turn my life around, and because of
my honesty things a falling into place. My life is filled with positive energy today, but I tend to feel a little lonely from
time to time due to the fact that I'm not in a relationship.
Nevertheless, I have faith that it also will be addressed when
the time is right. Right now I need to focus on me, and stay sober because I feel that success is right around the corner
for me.
Well family I'll see you next year, but like always remember that
you can have whatever you strive to achieve as long as you believe in God who is within you.
Within us all is his spirit which is a power greater
than any nation, army or kingdom.
One love, and may peace be upon you all!
Happy New Year 2006:
Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to bring in the New
Year clean and sober.
God bless everyone, and may peace be with you all!
January 4th, 2006
Peace my beloved readers, and it's a true
pleasure to be back with you in this promising new year.
I pray that everything is going according to plan, and that most of
you are able to stick to your resolutions.
As for myself, I have let go of all my bad habits and can now enjoy
normal things like food, clear night skies, and decent conversations.
Though everything isn't going at the speed that I'd like...I'm
still keeping a positive attitude.
I haven't gotten any e-mail lately, have you all grown tired
of me or are you just waiting patiently for the next volume of PAPPY to come out?
Whatever the case may be, just remember that I'm here for you all...
so if you ever feel the need to express yourselves also then please feel free to contact me.
Well my beloved ciber friends and family, I hope that you will continue
to keep me in your prayers.
May many blessings and tons of success shower you all in this
new year, one love.
January 9th, 2006
What's good my beloved readers? Well today has been a productive day in my life,
and things are looking well so far.
I pray that all of you are blessed and safe on this monday in America, and that
your lives are filled with positive enegry.
I want to be successful so bad that sometimes I can't even think about anything
else, and for some reason I tend to feel that I don't have too much time left to achieve my goal.
Nevertheless, until and when I will not stop striving for a better life
for me and my children.
The new year has started off really well, and I pray that things will continue
to change for the better. I use to think that last year was my year, but now I'm starting to believe that 2006 is what
I've been waiting for.
For the readers that I have following me, I thank you and hope that you
will continue to be supportive by visiting my webpage; and also sharing it with your friends and loved ones.
Today is the 9th day of a new year, and the number nine represents being BORN.
The number 6 for 2006 represents EQUALITY, so if you do the knowledge then you'll clearly see that today is an opportunity
to be born equally in whatever we put our mind to. The entire year is about equal opportunities, so do yourselves a favor
and go for what you know this year.
Well my beloved readers I must sign off for now, but you'll forever be in my thoughts...Peace!
January 13, 2006
What's really good my beloved readers?
Well it Friday the 13th in America, and to top it off there's a full
moon out tonight so be extra careful out there.
As for myself I think that I'll spend mine at home watching Direct
TV, and staying out of trouble.
At this point in my life I can't afford any drama, but just in case
if someone should bring it to my door; I'll be more than willing to handle my business...feel me!
On a more positive note, today has been very productive. I've learned
to deal with rejection, and have avoided old people, places, and things.
I'm truly enjoying my new life, and I pray that my past doesn't creep
up and destroy it like so many time before.
Man! I'm gaining mad weight, I went from 210 lbs. to 235 lbs. since
Christmas and I'm really wearing it well. Even my confidence is growing, and women are starting to notice me again.
All praise is due to the Most High, who I call the creator of all
mankind. I was at the bottom, and now there is nowhere else to go but up; so watch me grow mentally, physically, and
spiritually one day at a time.
To all of you my beloved readers, as long as you have the breath of
life then there is nothing that you can't accomplish in this world; so get yours without fear of anything, but Almight God.
January 18, 2006
Well my beloved readers I must say that I'm blessed to be alive today, because
Friday the 13th took me on a loop that almost cost me everything.
There is a POSSIBLITY that I may still be in danger, but I'm not going to let that
stop me from moving ahead in life.
The Devil is forever busy trying to push me off the path of righteousness,
and he has an avantage because he know's how to trick me with temptation. I don't only have an addiction to &
alcohol, I'm also addicted to women.
My father use to always warn me that, "A woman is going
to be the of you" and by the looks of things that could become a reality if I'm not careful.
Nevertheless, besides the negativity I am doing great, and I hope that all of my
readers are blessed today.
I will closed for now with hope that we will all be reunited real soon, and may
peace be upon the world.
January 25, 2006
Once again it's on in America, and hello my beloved readers.
I have relocated again somewhere in this great country, and it saddens
me to say that I will miss someone very dearly. Her name is Nikki, and she is better off without me because in the long run
she'd most likely end up heart broken.
Nevertheless. I thank you for everything, and pray that you will find
someone that will truely bring you joy, love, and sincere happiness for a lifetime.
Well as for myself, I must once again deal with my emotions, and focus
on completing PAPPY returns before the summer arrives. Times are tough once again, I am homeless and jobless out here; but
with the power of GOD inside of me anything is possible.
I'm like the rubberband man, I just keep bouncing back when the time
is right.
I love all of you my beloved readers, and Happy be-lated 18th birthday
to my son Daquan. I sent him a text on the 23rd, and also called him later on that night.
Well my ciber family, keep a look out for more developments
as they occur, one love.
January 29th, 2006
Hello! my beloved ciber friends, family,
and loved ones. How are you on this blessed Sunday in America?
First of all I give honor and glory to my creator for giving me another
day on this planet, and I pray that he will continue to guide and protect me on my quest for success in life.
I thank God for all of you, because it is you all that keep me striving
eachday, and I'd be a nobody without you. I pray that everyone who I have met along the way will remember the good things
about me, and not let my efforts be in vain. I know that I have touched many lives in a positive way, but at the same time
I've broken a few hearts by moving on unexpected. Nevertheless I love you all within my soul, and will never forget you for
your love and support.
Until next time just remember that JESUS said to be christ like, so
if you can forgive me then you are truly a follower of the Lord.
Happy Valentines day!
February 14, 2006
Hello! my beloved ciber family, what's
really good in America?
For all the ladies I hope that your special someone has made this
day one to remember, and for those of you who are single on this day for sweethearts I'd like to personally wish you
a Happy Valentine.
As for myself I choose to be single, because I really need to focus
on my life as well as the things that I'm striving to accomplish.
To be honest being sober has paid off, and I am actually achieving
some of my goals. I'm taking everything one day at a time, and remembering that I can't do it without God.
I can honestly say that I love my creator today, and I spend alot
of my time giving him praise.
Today I decided to wear red, and I don't normally do that because
it brings alot attention on me; but what the heck it's Valentines day and I'm in the spirit.
To all my beloved brothers, do something special for your lady tonight
and make her feel
extra special.
With that I wish you all peace and blessings, and until next time
remember that I'm only a few clicks away.
February 24, 2006
Once again it's on! Well I'm back,
and yes I have missed all of you my beloved readers.
Man! my life has been a real rollercoaster ride since Valentines day,
but not in a negative way. I met someone interesting who became very inspirational to me over the weekend, so we had
a nice chinese dinner, shared some laughs, and so on.
Nevertheless, as of yesterday this person decided that they couldn't
fit me into their busy schedule.
Yeah! I guess you can chalk that one up as another chapter to come,
but it's cool and I do understand.
Besides that... the door of financal opportunity has finally
opened for me, and soon I will be able to move out of the roach infested motel that I'm living in.
That's right my ciber family I'm about to do big things, and I will
keep yall posted every step of the way.
Well until next time continue following your dreams, and don't let
fear hold you back.
One love!
February 28, 2006
Greetings! my beloved readers on this
blessed tuesday in America. I pray that there is love, peace, and happiness in the air today.
Something strange occured to me this morning once I got on line,
and it has me really puzzled.
On every site that I have a picture of my self, it has somehow been
distorted or blurred. At first I thought that maybe it was the PC that I was on, but after viewing pictures of other people
I noticed that their images were normal.
This is highly unusual, and kinda odd to be exact. I'm looking at
this as a sign that maybe there are people in high places taking notice of me; but in a negative way.
"I'm not out here trying to hurt nobody!"
I'm just striving to achieve the American dream, and not end up being
a nobody. I don't want my life to be in vain, I've suffered too much.
Don't me because I want to be successful at something God has given
me, and that is the talent to make words come alive. "I am a writer, and America can't deny that!"
Like I said before some people will want to humiliate me, call me
mentally ill, and even wish upon me, but let me remind you devils that "I am god."
I may not be the creator (Jehovah, Allah, Budda or what ever
name you may call him) but I am his image, and as long as he & I are one...I can't be touched!
Writing the book "Pappy" was my way of confessing my sins to the world,
so that I could be free to do positive things with a clean conscience. I wanted you to know me personally, so that you wouldn't
have to assume anything.
I've found favor in The Most High for my
honesty, and williness to be open minded. So I have no fear of the FBI or whoever
else may be against me, because you can't the truth.
The truth will always reveal itself no matter how much dirt you may
try to cover it with, just like when Cain tried to cover up Able.
The powers that be are the 10% and
they will rob, steal, and kill to keep the American people deaf, dumb, and blind to the truth.
Myself and others like me are the 5% and we are the poor righteous teachers that put their lives on the line to bring God's people out of mental
& spiritual darkness. "The truth is the light, and the light will lead you to freedom!"
I bear witness that there is only one supreme being, but in his image
we are all gods; and children of The Most High.
Today is a special day, a day to be heard and for all of you who have
read; and have acknowledged these words let that man or woman be blessed.
March 4th, 2006
Peace...my ciber family, I sincerely hope
that everyone is in good spirits on this productive Saturday in America.
This Saturday happens to be a special one for me, because it's my
daughter's birthday.
"Happy birthday Jaquetta!"
Yep...my youngest child is now fifteen years old, and I just don't
know where all those years went.
It seems like just yesterday I was pushing her in a stroller, but
in reality she's now a young lady.
Well everybody have a blessed day, and remember to count your blessings.
March 5th, 2006
Actual facts 101
Was there human beings before Adam?
The answer is yes, and I would like to
prove it to you in the King James bible.
So please go and get any Holy bible and follow along as I reveal some
actual facts, and educate your mind & spirit.
Before we open our books, let's take a moment to ask our creator for
the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of his words...Amen!
Now open up to Genesis 1:20-21 which
(1:20) And God said, let the
waters bring forth abundantly the moving creatures that have life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open
firmaments of heaven.
Already we have discovered one important
fact, and that is all creatures even the birds which are referred to as fowl...come from the waters.
(1:21) And God created great whales
(which are mammals), and every living creature that moveth, which the waters
brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
The key words here are every living creature,
which by right also includes human beings.
These events took place on the 5th day of creation, and then on the
following day God made mankind in Genesis 1:26-27 which reads:
(1:26) And God said, let us make
man (Mankind) in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepth upon the earth.
The key word in this verse is make,
and it is very important that you remember this word, because it will soon help us prove an actual fact.
(1:27) So God created man in his own
image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he
Now if you remember your Sunday school
you'd have to agree that Adam was alone
in the garden until God placed him in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs to make Eve...right?
Well after reading the facts in Genesis 1:27
it clearly states that God created male and female human beings at the same time, which happened to be on the 6th
day of creation.
Now let's move on to Genesis 2:2 which reads:
(2:2) And on the 7th
day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which
he had made.
Now before the seventh day God created
man (male & female), and we have learned that every living creature came from the waters. I personally believe this, because
in the womb an unborn baby can breathe while in a fluid.
Now we can continue to find other actual facts which will prove that
there were human beings before Adam, so let's go to Genesis 2:7-8 which reads:
(2:7) And the Lord God formed
a man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and
the man became a living soul.
In Genesis 1:26
it clearly states that God said let us make man in our image...right?
And if I'm not mistaken that was on the
6th day, and God rested on the 7th day...right?
But, then in Genesis 2:7 which appears
to be after the seventh day...he formed a man.
Now there is a difference here, but they have the same meaning. For
example we have the ablity to make a baby, but we don't have the capablity to form it's features...right?
You see God has the ablity to do both, and that is the fact in this
case. He made mankind from the waters, and then he formed Adam
from the dust of
the earth. Now as we continue to read Genesis
we will discover that God favored the man that he formed.
(2:8) And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.
At this point we should be able to agree
that Adam was a unique man, so unique that God placed him alone in a garden
or paradise somewhere eastward in Eden. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Adam was placed in the east, then the rest of mankind must have populated either the west, north or south...right?
I guess you're wondering what made Adam any more special than the
rest of mankind...right?
Well history has tought us that there was an evolution
of human life, which means that man has gone through many physical, mental, economical and technological changes since
our creation.
Scientist have also proven by discovering the bones of ancient human
beings, that their physical appearence differ from those of modern man.
In fact their skulls were larger, they walked hunched over, and their
teeth were made for tearing unlike our teeth which were designed for grinding.
These human beings are what we know as the Caveman
or Neanderthal man. Adam was nothing like them, he was intelligent, and walked
up-right like a modern man. Adam was actually the first homosapian,
a superior creation of man who was directly given the breath of Almighty God.
Why did God have to form Adam after he
had already made mankind (male & female)?
Because they were animalistic, mammals
running wild in the wilderness like all the other creatures that came forth from the waters. They
were uncivilized, so instead of destroying them all God chose to form Adam from the earth; and then place him alone in his
own area which was eastward in a garden called Eden.
Once Adam had acknowledged everything that God had tought him,
he began to name the animals and all of God's creatures. His creator was so pleased with him that he even gave Adam a
mate from one of his own ribs, and Adam proudly named her Eve.
Now to make a long story short, and finally
prove that Adam wasn't the first human being. We know that Eve was decieved by a snake to eat from the tree of knowledge,
and it was Eve who convinced Adam to also eat from it...right?
As a direct result of their actions the Lord God removed them from
the garden of Eden, and soon after Eve gave birth to two male children who
were named Cain & Abel.
Well Cain became jealous of his brother Abel, and killed him in Genesis 4:8 which reads:
(4:8) And Cain talked
with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against his brother, and slew him.
The Lord God abandoned
Cain, and labeled him a fugitive and a vagabond for his brother. Let's go to Genesis 4:13-17 which
(4:13) And Cain said unto the Lord,
My punishment is greater than I can bear.
(4:14) Behold, thou hast driven me out this day
from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it
shall come to pass, that every one who findeth me shall slay me.
Who is every one that Cain is referring
(4:15) And the Lord said unto him, Therefore
whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark (our birth marks) upon Cain, lest
any finding him should kill him.
(4:16) And Cain went out from the presence of the
Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
Why was this land called Nod?
Maybe because the people that occupied this land
walked hunched over (Neanderthal people) to the point that they appeared to
be nodding.
(4:17) And Cain knew his wife;
and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city and called the name
of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.
Now let's do the math...
If Adam & Eve was the first man and woman on the planet, and they
had two sons; but one of their sons killed his brother, that would leave a grand total of three human beings on the planet
Then where in the land of Nod did Cain find a wife, and who helped
him build a city?
It's simple...the Lord God sent Cain to live with the uncivilized
human beings, and with the knowledge that he obtained from his parents Adam & Eve; he was able to educate the men &
women of Nod.
He even took one as his wife, and she mothered his first son.
These same two creatures of God united to bring about the men and
women who populate the earth today, people of modren times like you and me.
Well my beloved readers I hope that these words of wisdom has enlightened
you, and opened your minds spiritually. I also hope to encourage you to continue to ask God to give you understanding of his
words, so that you may also bring others out of mental darkness. Until next time remember that through God even the impossible
is possible.
March 10, 2006
Good morning! my beloved readers, and may
peace be upon all of you on this blessed friday in America.
I declare that living on the positive side of life can be challenging,
but with a little discipline the rewards are endless. I believe that my novel has touched many lives out there in ciberland,
and there are people who want to see me be successful in life.
I don't want to be rich in this life, I just want to be remembered
for doing something that my children can be proud of. I've suffered too much in this life, and because of this I refuse to
be a nobody.
I am a child of God, and as long as I believe this... there are no
limitations that can form against me.
If people like Ms.Oprah Winfrey would take an interest in me, and coach
me in the right directions; then my dreams can become my reality.
Nevertheless, I can feel that there is someone out there who
believe's in me; and my ability as a writer.
America you have to admit that there is only one Pappythewriter, and I want you to know that I love you all from the bottom of my heart.
Well...until next time remember that tough times don't last, but tough
people do.
March 14, 2006
Who is Pappythewriter?
Greetings! my beloved readers, and may
this exceptional Tuesday be a day of great blessings for us all.
Today America has no doubt about who I am, and I am proud to say that
I have successfully crossed many obsticals; and have achieved an altimate goal.
I am no longer an unkown citizen in The United States, I am now a
known writer. This has been a dream for me since I was 25 years old, but to see it become my reality is breath taking.
Because of my own efforts, I can not be forgotten or labeled as a
failure. I have achieved status in the world, and I owe it all to Almighty God.
I didn't ask him for riches or power, I just asked to be remembered
in a positive way. I now bear witness this day that our God is a mighty God, and what he has done for me...he can do
for you too.
March 20, 2006
Greetings! my beloved ciber family &
friends, how are you on this inspirational monday in America?
Well as for myself, I'm doing exceptionally well.
I am no longer a beat father, because I am once again paying
my court ordered child support payments.
I was even able to Western Union my daughter a belated birthday gift,
and to be honest it felt really good to be able to be responsible again.
I've come a long ways since October 18, 2005 when I was in Buffalo
on a path of destruction, but by the grace of God I have soared beyond my own expectations.
Any day now I sense that somehow I will receive a large amount currency,
and once I do I will invest it into my organization Seven Incorporated by buying a few desk top computers.
To all my beloved readers, today is the perfect opportunity to make
ammends with someone that you may have hurt or offended in the past. By doing this you open the door for an abundance of peace
to fill your lives.
Until next time remember that with a little faith, you can accomplish
great things.
March 22, 2006
Peace my beloved readers...it's a
blessed day in America, though I'm offended by some critics on Black Planet.com.
I was reading several responses that were posted in regards to my
website, and it blew me away to acknowledge that people are considering me as a racist. Never once have I played the race
card in my work, and to be misjudged is offensive as far as I'm concerned. I was even called a "Stupid
Troll with a computer" which is okay with me, but when your ignorence allows you to over-look the meaning of actual
information then I have a problem with it.
Only God can truly judge me, and if you can't handle the truth
then there is nobody to blame, but yourself for remaining in mental darkness.
Just do yourself a favor, and seek the knowledge that God has given
you and stop hindering both your mind and spirit.
I sincerely say to the world...listen to the message, and don't be destracted
by the image delivering it; because you may not like what you see.
Who are devils? Devils come in all shapes, sizes,
and colors, so when I say "You devils", I mean any man or woman seeking to steal,
kill, or destroy the truth.
All I can say is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead!, and open your minds
to facts not fiction.
Until the next time, just remember to never assume because by
doing so you will only make an ass out of you and me.
April 5th, 2006
Welcome to Cipher*entertainment!
Peace my beloved ciber family, I pray that we are all blessed on this
day of power.
All things happen in time, especially when you have BIG dreams.
I'm a true winner in this world with the help of Almighty God, Yes!
I'm a winner, and I'm comfortable with what we have created for me.
I've become a real writer, and I can't believe that yesterday I was a nobody!
My book will maybe someday sale millions of copies or become a movie, and I'll
be able to pay off all of my debts.
I've got a decent 12 hour job getting paid every two weeks,
but I'm living check to check.
I want to make some real money, and invest in a little of everything.
My company is open for clients who want legal support for correctional malpratice,
or brutality issues.
We are working devoitedly to free 12,000 state inmates
who have been sentenced unjustly.
We have
taken it to another level, and like I said before "you'd be the first to know...right?"
Listen America: Hi!, I'm Pappythewriter and I'm counting on you to indorse
me. Yes! I'm asking for business, because I'm serious about bringing home (12,000)
16, 17, and 18 year old men & women who have been given life incarceration for non-violent
Remember that Pappy said it!
It's on and popp'in...
Well my beloved ciber family, the horses are out the gate.
I'm investing $9,000 in a after school tutoring
program, where the kids get a hot meal.
(FFT) Food For Thought 2007
April 20, 2006
Peace my beloved ciber family, may peace
and blessing be upon you and your loved ones.
Actually I believe that I have discovered something within me that
has been lost for a long time, and what I found is the true me.
Can I get a Amen!
Well my people let me get to the point, and the point is "we got to
trust someone, and once we do that then we will witness the power of unity."
I am somebody, and it took for me to believe in that before I could
become famous.
Welcome to Pappy's world, and remember that I love you like we are
Let's do something that we can be proud of today,
give yourself a break!
Listen to your boy, because I will not lead you wrong; even if I fall
off to the left myself.
It's real out here in these fields!
We've got serious business to handle out here...
-One God, and one love.
April 28, 2006
What's really good my ciber family?
I hope that you all are having a wonderful day in America, and as
for myself it's work as usual.
Actually I'm running on fumes, and I'm beyond tired; but I'm doing
what's considered the right thing these days. The cash flow is slow, but from experience fast money causes too many problems.
I'm a ole coon in so many words, and I'm loving it.
My children are taken care of, and I'm living good once again.
I remember when I was homeless and jobless, but today I'm a productive
I can't wait until I release my first CD, and finally publish Pappy
returns which is in the works right now.
I'm truly proud of myself, and sincerely hope that you all are proud
of me too.
Until next time, keep me in your thoughts and prayers; and I'll do
the same.
May 9th, 2006
What's really good!
Hello...everybody out there is ciberland. Today happens to be my eldest
son's birthday, he's 22 now and I'm truly proud of him for not turning out like I was at his age. He's got a job, and he hasn't
got a record.
I can't say that God has never answered my prayers, because I pray
for my children all the time.
As for myself...
I'm maintaining a productive lifestyle, but I do fall short in the
eyes of God & man. Nevertheless, I'm still a player / teacher / gentleman at all times.
I deserve success, because I am the image of success. I am, who I
am, but don't get it f*#ked up by labeling me what I'm not. You'd be better off asking me youself to keep down the drama,
and curiosity of ignorant people. You know the slow muthaf*#ka's, who assume dumb .
I'm as real as they get...and I've been there!
My mission is to leave a mark in history that will benefit mankind.
I need people like me to help build a empire for the people of tomorrow,
who happen to be the children of today.
We are responsible for the development of the youth!
F*#k what cha heard...it's time to invest, construct, and educate
these future lawyers, doctors, and Presidents.
Who do you want running the country?
We need to spend more time with our son's, because it is the man child
who represent us; and our family name.
The game will always be there, but your son only has one chance at
being a child.
Once he become a man...he'll remain a man until he returns to his
creator, but the values that you teach him will live on forever.
We are all god's...
We have the power to make the earth stand still, but the sad part
is that the majority of you don't believe in yourself enough to make it happen.
Wake up!
Aint yall tired of sleeping?
Let's try an experiment...just for one day let's all believe
in ourselves and see what happens, okay?
Until the next time we build, may knowledge be like your big brother,
and may wisdom be your little sister.
May 23, 2006
What's really good in the streets of America!
It's ya boy back on the scene...holla at me.
Yeah it's been a short since I left yall with a few words of wisdom,
but today I just want to keep it hood. Living down here in the dirty south is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it can be a
major test for me mentally as well as spiritually.
Once again I was in a short lived relationship, and I'm sincerely
sick of answering to the oppisit ...so I offically want all women to know that I date, but will not commit to anyone.
My job is very stressful but without it I'll be homeless again, and
I'll be damned if I go back to a shelter. The female I was with packed my bags, so I read between the lines and kept
it moving.
My father wasn't a push over for no woman, and neither am I...so take
it easy baby, and no hard feelings I hope.
Nevertheless, I ended up rooming with a CNA who drives a Lexus 800
series. Yall knew I was a player already, so don't act like you didn't know.
A few days ago my son Daquan went to his senior prom, and I sent him
a shout out on WBLK 93.7 in Buffalo. I'm proud that he is doing all the things that I wasn't able to do when I was his age.
Also May 20th was my mother's birthday..."I love you Mom!"
CIPHER*entertainment is on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we now have several projects that we are working on, including
my own CD coming out in November of 2006.
All you Busters out there who got beef...grow up!
I'll be attending my son's graduation next month in Buffalo, New York.
Make sure that my people get up with me before leave!
I got mad love for everybody out there who are making positive
progress in the world, so keep your heads up no matter what.
Until the next time that I speak to the world, just remember that
"only God can judge us...so who cares what society thinks."
August 1, 2006
Peace and sincere love my beloved readers...finally
I have returned to fill you in on events that have occured in my life.
I have returned to Charlotte, North Carolina after a brief moment
of travelling to the Mid-West. On July 29th I left Kansas City, MO after residing there for 30 days with a brief intent to
relocate there.
Nevertheless, I am confident to say that God had plans for me back
here in Charlotte.
Well to being everyone up to speed on my situation...I left Charlotte
back in June after a major relaspe. I walked away from the best job I ever had, and alot of people who cared about me.
After returning to homelessness I surrounded myself with new people
of my calaber who accepted me, and took me in.
I was befriended by a person who I will refer to as Bow-tie Muhammad,
a muslim who has fallen to the life of active addiction. This brother took me in off the street, and treated me like a real
After weeks of using and hustling to get more to use...I decided that
it was time to check myself before I got too deep. So I went to Detox over night, and the next day I called about an Ad in
the Job finder which was titled "Fun Job."
The next day I was in Greenville, NC on a soap crew selling a cleaner
called Pump it off.
I had a really cool manager, and there was a chick that I liked from
Memphis, TN. Nevertheless, I just wasn't feeling their structure with all due respect.
I travelled with them to Nashville, TN. where I folded, and hung on
the streets for three days before contacting Nate Edwards, Jr. who is the son of the richest man in the soap
business. Nate wired me a one-way bus ticket to Kansas City, MO. where I met his father the great Nathan T. Edwards, who was
very kind to me. He gave me an oppurtunity to be successful in his million dollar company, but I chose to only work for him
two weeks.
I walked away one morning with my belongings, and fifteen measley
dollars in my pocket headed to the Salvation Army Rehablitation Center on the east side of Kansas City. It was there that
I re-discovered my spirituality, and actually sung in the church choir right in the front row for three weeks.
There is one song that brought me to tears, and it was called "Speak to my heart..."
On my 27th day in the program I left with nowhere to go, but to the
Union City Mission. Instead I checked myself into a mental institution where I rested five days before they gave me a one-way
bus ticket back to Charlotte, and that's where I am now working to get my life back in order.
Until the next episode, understand that physically I am only
a human being who was born to make mistakes. May God shower upon you all a maltitude of blessings, and keep us safe in
this world full of war.
August 24, 2006
Peace my beloved & devoted readers...it
is truly a blessing to be able to communicate on this productive thursday in America.
Once again my creator has blessed me more than I feel that
I deserve, but I am truly greatful for his mercy.
He has made it possible for me to have my old job back...which
I never thought would be possible, but it happened.
I'm still living with my dear friend Bow-tie Muhammad, but
I think that I should find my own place soon. I've got about a week before I get my first check, so I'm just patiently waiting
until then.
I'm still dippin & dappin in the streets, but not as
much because I got to get my life back where I need to be.
I miss my children, and I'm still torn about missing my
son's graduation. I spoke with my daughter a week ago, and she is doing fine besides needing money to go shopping. When I
get paid I'll send her something, and try to every paycheck.
I NEED MONEY TOO...because
I like nice clothes, jewels, and cars. Nevertheless, I'd rather be broke and butt as long as my children are happy and cared
I'm still faithfully waiting on success to smack me in the
face, but it just keeps on passing me by for some reason. Maybe it's just not my time yet, but I believe that one day it will
knock the out of me!
Charlotte is a beautiful city, and I consider it as my new
home. I don't have to search anymore...I'm here to stay.
The PANTHERS vs. DOLPHINS tonight right here in Uptown,
and believe me I'll be out there in the crowd making it do what it do baby.
Well my ciber nation until next time...keep God first, your
enemies close, and nothing but positive thoughts on your mind.
One love, one God, one nation!
September 19, 2006
Peace! My beloved ciber family, and devoted
reader. I sincerely pray that all of you are blessed on this talented tuesday in The United States of America.
Well I am very excited for two reasons
this month...first of all The holy month of Ramadan starts on the 24th which is only five days away, and also my birthday
is this month on the 29th.
My intentions are to fast for the entire
30 days, and make congergational prayer at a Masjid every evening after breaking fast when the sun goes
"Ramadan Kareem is the greeting during
the fast, and Ramadan Mubarik is the response."
What I particularly enjoy about Ramadan is the unity, and also
the sweet dates we use to break the fast. This Ramadan will be extra special for me, because I haven't fasted in many
Well everyone I don't have very much to say besides...life is what
you make it.
"Always wan't for your friends and family everything that you
would want for yourself."
Until I correspond again...remember me!
Back in Buffalo 2007...
Janurary 8th:
I returned to the city of buffalo a few weeks before Thanksgiving,
and was blessed to be reunited with my daughter's mother Tonya, and this was what I'd always wished for.
Nevertheless, I blew it right after Christmas by selling her cell
phone and not returning home. I ended up living in the streets moving from house to house where my drug of choice was avaliable,
but finally lucked up and ended up in a cheap motel that was paid for by social services.
Well today is my last day there unless they give me an extention,
but I haven't followed there apartment search requirements so my chances look very slim.
Yesterday I spoke to my first wife Tutt via phone, and she wants me
to move to Rochester, New York.
I really don't know why, but I am taking it into consideration. Maybe
she wants to reunite, but whatever the case I'm in no shape to be with any decent woman. Actually I look like stir fried shit,
including a full beard and the same funky clothes that I've worn since December 27th.
By the looks of things I'm a hopeless case, but you'll never know
what tomorrow will bring.
I'm at rock bottom, so there is only one way to go and that is back
up. Remember I'm the real rubberband man, I bounce back like a superball...feel me yall!
Well my few devoted readers, may God bless you all. Until next time,
just try to keep it real.
Feburary 16, 2007
"I got my life back..."
Peace, love, and blessing to my beloved
readers...I'm back!
Yes, by the grace of almighty GOD I just completed a 28 day rehab
program called Stutsman in Buffalo, New York.
I no longer drink, use drugs or smoke cigarettes, and I feel like
a new man.
My next goal is to enroll into college, and achieve my greatest dream
to become a lawyer.
I will keep everyone posted...so until next time keep yourself safe,
and pray for me.
Feburary 23, 2007
"I have achieved 30 day clean
& sober."
All praise is due to the Lord of creation
for granting me the strength to remain sober for one month, and giving me the wisdom to see through the fog of addiction.
Peace to my beloved readers, and the God's & Earth's of the universe...
Today I stand proud with you in a clear state of mind, and with a
clean temple. On this day I am christ like, and God and I are finally one.
I say this because the Lord can not work in a filthy temple, but on
this day my house is spot free...praise God.
I feel so good that I could move a mountain, part a sea or even heal
the sick, because I have faith that through God anything is possible. By me being clean & sober without the desire to
use is a true miracle.
Blessings are coming out of the woodwork, and new positive people
are coming into my life.
I've been reborn, and I have dedicated my life to building instead
of destroying.
I make AA & NA meetings daily, because they are like medicine
to my recovery. I even heed to simple suggestions, and I have a sponsor and a home group that I attend every Thursday
Well my beloved ciber family there is hope in the world, we just
have to believe and then go out and find it.
Until next time...remember not to prejudge the messenger, but
try to understand his or her message because what they have to say just might save your life.
March 15, 2007
Peace my beloved readers, and my fellow supporters.
Today is the begining of a new, and positive stage in life for me.
I am about to climb to new heights, and experience what was once only discovered in my wildest
dreams. I have transform into what God always wanted me to be, and that is one of his grateful servants.
I bear witness that there is only one supreme God, and no matter what name we call him by; only
he deserves to be worshipped. So if you worship men, women, cars, sport organizations, or money then you are worshipping
false gods.
This year I lost two very important people in my life, not to violence like so many young men
& women are falling victom to; but to physical complications.
I lost Stacy Smith and Ramone L. Bibbs who are both cousins, and like family to me. They are members of the Johnson family who accepted me
as a cousin when I was a kid living on Guilford street in Buffalo, New York.
I love these two wonderful people like they are my blood relatives, and I can't believe
that they both passed away so young.
I know that they are with God, and watching over us every second of the day. I will never let
their name die, and as long as I live they will be remembered.
Today I am clean and sober, and even though I didn't get drunk when they passed...I really wanted
I convinced myself that by remaining clean I represented the strength that my love has for them,
and for them I will continue to stay sober one day at a time.
My beloved readers let's do something for a stranger in need today to express our love for God,
and shame the devil.
To the Poor Righteous Teachers...it's time to form Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head!
To the Christians...it's time to prepare for the return.
To the Muslims...it's time to practice world peace.
To the Buddist...it's time to construct the kingdom.
To the unbelievers...it's time to repent!
The time is at hand, so don't say that you wasn't warned when the main event takes place.
I am who I say that I am, and it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. What matters is what
you do about it!
Well my beloved readers let this be the reason why we change or better our lives, because only
you can truly make a difference in your life.
April 2, 2007
All praises are due to the most high God who is called
by many beautiful names, but is the one true Creator.
On the 1st day of April I took a short trip to Rochester, New York, where I truly had
the pleasure of meeting a wonderful new friend who goes by the name of
Lyric Santana...what a unique woman!
"I send a special shouts out to you sweetheart, and I am looking
forward to returning soon."
It's a true honor to be able to reach out and positivly touch the lives of so many beautiful
human beings, and to be blessed with earning their friendship.
If I was financally secure I would do so much for this country, but I wouldn't seek
a single dime in return.
I'm here to build, not to destroy!
If I were President there would be no war in Iraq, and there would be peace in the middle
If I were President there would be a massive enrollment into the work force, instead
of the Armed forces!
If I were President there would be an increase in the funding of education,
not an increase in price of oil.
If I were president there would be more rehabilitation facilities for addicts, and a
decrease in the construction of penitentries in america.
We are truly in need Jesus the son of man, to make this
land a better land for all man & woman kind.
The devil is a liar...I rebuke you satan in the name of Almight God!
When are the majority of mankind going to wake up, and say Lord I'm tired
to serving the devil?
God is waiting for the sinners to sincerely call on him, so that he can lead
us all into salvation.
A sinner is a Saint that has fellen off, but like a couragous soldier you need to
get back up and resume the fight.
I tell you my beloved brothers & sisters this is the 7th year of coming of the kingdom
of God, and Jesus is going to return in the flesh to wadge war against the wicked.
I bear witness that we will live to witness this coming of God's kingdom, and there will
finally be peace on the planet Earth.
I love all of you, male and female...So let's start doing what Jesus would expect us
to do, because you never know when the King of Kings will come knocking at your door.
April 25, 2007
Hello my beloved readers...I pray that your lives have been less tramatic than mine
the past several days.
On the 18th of this month I lost another loved one, and this time a close relative.
I lost my cousin Mildred E. Swain to complications of the liver, and she died after
I visited her in the hospital.
When I went to visit her she was not the beautiful woman that I had known prior
to her sudden illness, so I felt it necessary to say a prayer for her asking God to either make her better or releave
her of whatever pain or suffering that she was experiencing.
The next morning my cousin Mello called me to inform me of her passing on, and for
some stupid reason I felt responsible for God taking her due to my sincere prayer.
We had both the wake & funeral yesterday at the Midtown church on Main street,
and there were many friends and relatives that attended.
I cried like a baby when her two younger children broke down while viewing her in
a the casket, and so did my cousin Darlene who said a goodbye poem to her elder sister.
Mildred was cremated instead of buried, but she will always live within each and
everyone of our hearts.
"I will always love you Mildred!"
I took home a white rose from the flowers that was displayed on top of her casket,
and her obiturary with a picture of her wearing the same shade of blue that I unknowing chose to wear yesterday.
As for me...I'm grateful to have made it clean & sober 90 days as of the 23rd
of April, but life is no bowl of cherries.
Everyday is a struggle for me...not just to stay drug & alcohol free, but to
also remain mentally sane under so much pressure.
I need a big break...I need for the positive to finally start to pay off.
I need a miracle to happen in my life, so that everyone will know that if I can
make it...than so can you.
I believe in the impossible, and that all things are possible through faith.
Well my beloved readers I must complete this log, but I shall return when you need
me the most.
May 15, 2007
Peace to the gods, and my beloved readers. I can
not begin to express my love for you, and the graditude that I have for your support.
My life is a repeating obstical that I just can't seem to master,
but I am still here.
I met a woman who I will refer to as C-note
who I quickly developed feelings for, but once again I left myself open for desaster.
This said woman is what we refer to in the streets as a veteran due
to her skillful tactics when it come to making money, but she is also a addict.
I met her at Buffalo State College during a NA meeting, and my partner
Jayvon warned me not to get involved with her. As usual I went on my own instinct, and failed to take heed.
That same evening I went to visit C-note at the Erie County rehab
where I thought we had a ligtiment connection, and a week later she asked me to commit myself to her.
My first mind screamed to me...no!, but then my emotions softly said
I commited myself to her that day, and we began to plan a future together.
All was well until she was able to take a pass from the facility,
and when we were together I could tell that she was struggling with staying sober by her conversation.
She need money all the time, and even when she had some. She didn't
want hundreds, she wanted thousands of dollars.
Then she started visiting with some other guy who was part pimp, and
part crack-head.
She glamorised how much money she had made across the United States,
and how much cocaine she had stolen as well as used.
She painted a picture in my mind so vivid that I relasped before I
knew it, but I didn't stay down.
Even though I sold my jewels once again, I went to a meeting where
I told on myself.
By doing this I freed myself from the shame, and guilt that I would
have had to live with.
When I told C-note what had happened she replied that she was jealious
that I had relasped, and she had remained sober.
A week passed, and then she came in contact with $800.00 dollars which
she used to buy her drug of choice.
In the meanwhile I moved into my new apartment, and continued to focus
on my recovery.
The following day C-note called me, and like a fool I invited her
over. She arrived in a red pick-up truck driven by some trick, and when she came near me I couldn't believe my eyes.
C-note looked like a different woman, because her once beautiful vanilla
complexion was now dark, and her eyes were red and glossy.
She looked like a mess, so I invited her in to take a shower and get
some rest.
The next day she asked me to come on Broadway with her where she disappeared,
and I haven't heard from her since.
I am so sick of this madness, but I have no outlet at this time.
It seems like my destiny is being poor and unknown forever, but I
refuse to let the negative forces of this world prevent me from becoming the king that I sense that I am.
I am more than PAPPY the
felon, addict, and writer; I am a human being who does not deserve to live life an animal in the wilderness.
I need financal support so that I can rise out of these low standards
in which have been force upon me by the disfunctional enviorment that I was born into.
Where is the love for thy neighbor, and when will justice be
done in this twisted life of mine.
I love people, but the people don't care if I live or die.
What do I have to do to bring you to my aide?
How long will you allow a good man to suffer?
When will you show mercy for a stranger?
What if I were Jesus, and you denied me food, shelter, and friendship?
Where will you be on the day of judgement?
Well my beloved readers I must conclude this log with a few words
of wisdom: If you chain a dog in the back yard, and move out of the house then who will feed the dog?
I'll tell you who...a good neighbor will to silence the dog's cry
of hunger.
Peace to the planet earth, and all who live on it.
June 19, 2007
Peace my beloved readers!
Forgive me for not writing in such a long extent, but I have been
dealing with alot of drama as well as un-necessary bullshit here in Buffalo, New York.
(1. I was jumpded on the West side by three young punks who are now
in a world of trouble.
(2. I am offically homeless again.
(3. I have shamefully started back drinking and using drugs.
I have no idea of what direction that I am presently moving in, but
I am luckly to be alive.
I suffering with a broken leg, and other minor injuries.
I've been getting around town in a wheelchair that I borrowed from
the hospital, and also a pair of cruches too.
I have the stitches removed from my left ear on fathers day, and I
believe that my leg is healing well.
I'm back on the booze and dope, so you can do the math with my life=0.
I have no money or a job, and due to my injuries...I can't do cable!
I'm seriously F#*ked, so where will I go from here? Good question,
becaues the I honestly don't have a clue.
Until next time...please remember me!
JULY 25, 2007
Peace and sincere blessings to you my beloved
I Walter aka Tariq Allah aka Pappythewriter sincerly would
like to thank all my viewers, readers, and followers, and welcome you into the deepest areas of my heart today.
I may be at my ends by the way things are presently looking these
(1. I am no longer living in Buffalo, New York. (why?)
I re-joined Dedicated too the traveling sales business I once
worked for, but I quit here in Lansing, Illionis.
(2. I met a woman who happen to be a housekeeper at the motel
that I was staying at, but we are like night & day so I'm trapped at her home in Hammond, Indaina.
(3. I must be out of my damn mind, because I have no money,
and I have nowhere to go!
Nevertheless, I have Allah, and Jesus as a friend so I'm
going to deal with this nightmare one day at a time.
Well I'M STRESSD, but I'm alive...so until next time
please keep me in your prayers.
July 27, 2007
In Lansing, Illinois.
Greetings my beloved readers around the globe!
As of today I am no longer un-employed, and soon I will be starting
training for a local call center.
Praise be to Allah for his mercy and kindness, because without
him I'd be in the hospital seeking a mental health evaluation.
I would liike to see more activity here@ Cipher*entertainment,
and would like to hear your ideas & comments on a daily basis.
I love all of you, and I want you to help the company grow
so that I can meet all of the goals that I have set into action in this life.
I want to share my success with all of you, and help society
in return.
Let's make history, and then let's design our own unique futures.
Team work is what we need!
May every man & woman be blessed this day that Allah has made,
so let us rejoice and be glad about it. One love, and one life!
October 5th, 2007
Back in Buffalo, New York.
Peace and blessing of Allah be upon all of us on
this day of power (5) in america.
On September 29th, 2007 I turned 38 years old, and I am truly grateful
that Allah has allowed me to see another year. This gives me greater hope that Allah still has a divine plan for me, and that
he still loves me.
I am now back in the city of Buffalo, New York though I am homeless
& jobless once again.
Nevertheless I am a product of the street, and for some reason I am
respected out here.
In a sense I'm a urban celeberity in my own mind, and maybe to others
All I can say is that I am grateful for Allah's mercy, and pray that
success is somewhere around the next corner.
These street can be vicious at times, but I stay on the grind.
There are alot of haters out here, and even the Law is trying to set
me up.
I'm a soldier in a concrete jungle, and I am on constant alert, because
you never know who is you true enemy.
These devils don't realize that I have knowledge of myself, and as
long as I believe that I am god then God will belss me.
Me and Allah are one for I am his vessel, and the spirit within me
is Allah.
Those who don't believe in themselves are lost, ignorant, retarded,
brain washed, oppressed, weak, and plain simple minded fools.
How can you deny that you are god, are you stupid of something! Wake
up and smell the coffee, because you are only hendering yourselves.
I pray that the majority of you will start to believe in yourselves
before it too late, because the devil has no color; but his mission is to steal, kill, and destroy us mentally &
Peace be upon you until the next time...one.
November 8, 2007
Peace-salaam! To all of you my beloved readers & supporters.
I sincerely hope that this day has inspired you as individuals to do something positive in your
community, homes, schools or place of worship.
Today I have 30 days clean & sober, and I just completed 28 days in a rehab as
of tuesday so I'm back mentally, physically and spiriturally.
I'm working on starting a brotherhood here in Buffalo called "Muslim Suns United (M.S.U)" which
will deal with supreme mathematics, and scriptures from the Holy Quran as well as the Old Testiment of the Bible.
Though we have knowledge of self, un-like the Nation of the Gods & Earths we believe that
Allah is a unseen God; but he can be seen through the actions of righteous men and women.
I believe that I will become successful with this logical concept, so stay tuned as things develope.
I'd like to send a shout out to the staff at Cityview treatment center for helping me come back
to sanity, because my people I was tore up from the floor up.
Thanks for being out there my faithful readers, and believe me I am grateful for have so many
of you.
I love each and everyone of you, and wish you God's blessings each and every day so have
a good day until next time.
December 20, 2007
Peace & Season Greetings my beloved readers.
It's been a while since I made an entry in my journal, but now is a better time
than ever. Some of you may already know that PublishAmerica has decided to publish my book titled PAPPY, and it was the best
Christmas present I've ever had.
I feel so blessed to finally become a published writer, it's a dream come true and
I'm so grateful.
As of the 8th of December I achieved 60 days clean without using any drug
or alcohol, so I'm on the right track.
After completing rehab on the 6th of November I went to live at an emergency shelter
on the westside, and the place was real nice.
As of yesterday I moved out of the shelter, and moved into an apartment with TSI
on Elmwood Avenue here in Buffalo, New york.
I hope that everyone is have a Happy holiday this year, and remember to not drink
and drive.
I sincerely love you all, and wish everyone success in all that you do. Let this
new year become an opportunity to achieve your altimate goal in life, so don't let nothing hinder your progress.
Here is a copy of the e-mail that I recieved from PublishAmerica:
Dear Mr. Anderson: I am happy to inform you that PublishAmerica has decided to give your book the chance it deserves.
We are offering to publish "Pappy". As this is an important moment, and an important message, please read
this email completely from start to finish.
An email will follow this one with the sample contract attached for your
review. If you do not receive the email with the attached sample contract in twenty-four hours, please contact me, so I can
resend the document via another method. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the contract.
The main terms are that we will pay you climbing royalties starting at 8%, you retain the copyright, and you also retain all
movie and audio rights. A symbolic $1 advance underlines that all financial risk is carried by the Publisher, as we firmly
believe it should be. Upon receiving your e-mail in acceptance with the terms, we will forward the final contract
documents to you via regular mail for your signature. Along with your e-mail please include your legal name, current address,
telephone number, age and title of work as you would like it to appear on the final contract. Please note that once you have
requested that we send the official contract, we cannot further amend the terms. We strongly advise that you read http://www.publishamerica.com/faqs.htm before signing your contract. Here we address frequently asked questions about, among other issues, why we never charge
our authors any fees, why bookstores cannot possibly stock all new books, and why we believe it is a good thing that bookstores
can sometimes return unsold books to their wholesaler. Once the signed contract has been processed in our offices,
you will be contacted by our Production department regarding "the next step" for your book in the publishing process. Please
feel free to e-mail any concerns or questions dealing with the terms of the contract to jcadle@publishamerica.com. Also, please visit http://www.publishamerica.com/shopping/ to see what our books are about, how we price them, and what they look like. You will find many thousands of books there! I
also advise that you discuss your use of quotes with a lawyer. You will have to obtain written permission for all quotes used
and for any real life individuals mentioned. Per Paragraph 27 of the Contract, you will be liable for any such infringements.
I also suggest visiting the Library
of Congress' website: www.loc.gov/copyright.
Welcome to PublishAmerica, and congratulations on what promises to be an exciting time ahead. Sincerely, Janis
Cadle Acquisitions Department PublishAmerica www.publishamerica.com
Well my brothers & sisters around the
world I will stop here with faith in you all, so get up, get out and make it happen...Peace!
April 6th, 2008
Peace my beloved readers I pray that every
one is blessed on this beautiful spring day. Today is a day of equality in our 8th year representing the desire to build something
positive in our lives.
As of 3/24/08 my highly anticipated book "PAPPY" was released by my publisher at www.PublishAmerica.com
I received my first copy on friday, and
I was so amazed with the quality that my publisher put into the cover design as well as the layout of the total book.
I can't come to terms with the fact that
I have actually made my dreams become a reality, but of course I owe ALLAH all the praise knowing that he worked through me.
I guess that it was just as much his plan as it was mine.
Though I have achieved success I still have
a lot to straighten out in my personal life, but I have faith that they somehow will. Relationships are trouble for me, and
I tend to meet people that after spending time with them I realize that we are like day & night.
I'm still striving towards bigger goals,
and I am also about to be a Grandfather so I have to stay positive. My life is better than it has been since I first started
writting back in 2005, but I still feel like my life is missing something too.
Well my beloved readers I will stop here
in hope that you will all follow my lead, and go out and grab a copy of my new book.
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